
Gesar Grundbesitz GmbH

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Friedrichstrasse 171, 10171 Berlin
Legal and business services for investors in the field of real estate and corporate law of Germany, structuring and support of medium and large investment projects.

Gesar Grundbesitz GmbH operates in Berlin and Munich. We structure the architecture of the project at the very first stage - the stage of selecting an investment object. For our clients we select only the most interesting and profitable investment projects from our database. We accompany medium and large transactions for the purchase of various types of real estate, including land for development.

We conduct legal expertise and audit of projects, we support the registration of legal entities and establish operational management of the enterprise in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, and we also advise clients on labor law issues for non-residents of the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as issues of relocation and obtaining a residence permit.