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107078, Moscow, Novoryazanskaya street 18, office 21p25

Established in 2007, GdeEtotDom.RU is the developer and owner of federal geo-information Internet portals for residential and commercial real estate (GdeEtotDom.RU - and GdeEtotofis.RU - The main purpose of these portals is to give visitors tools to effectively solve problems related to the implementation or search for real estate and services, and to obtain the necessary reference information for making decisions related to real estate.

GdeEtotDom.RU became the first and unique project in the Russian market that added real estate ads with its own interactive services and multimedia data - a spherical survey of the surrounding streets (streetview), its own panoramas of courtyards, streets, photos of houses, nearby cities, and their areas and also provided technical data on houses, information about the history of ads in each house, and other information necessary for a comprehensive assessment and decision-making.

Our projects are among the ten largest real estate services in Russia, the qualitative composition of the audience meets the needs of the most demanding advertisers.