Sasha Crypto

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We provide money transfer service in more than 50 countries, with experience of more than 5 years, on the most favorable conditions for you. With us you can pay for the purchase of real estate/auto abroad or simply transfer money abroad, being in Moscow or in any other city.

We offer 3 main services:

  • Money transfers all over the world
    You just need to tell us: a - In which city your funds are located b - Where you want to receive them For example: I want to give ₽ in Moscow and receive $/€/£/USDT in Cyprus. We will choose the most optimal and reliable way for you.
  • Buying and selling cryptocurrency
    We will easily exchange your cash for any cryptocurrency and vice versa, in a format convenient for you.
  • Card transactions
    Deposit or withdraw money from cards issued in Russia and Kazakhstan from anywhere in the world.